Why Is Dental Cleaning Important?

Contrary to common belief, a dental cleaning is not just meant for a brighter smile, but also for the general wellness of a patient. There is a relationship between oral health and general health. Some of the related medical and dental problems include cardiovascular disease, bone loss, cancers, strokes and many other problems. While regular brushing and flossing after meals can help keep teeth clean, annual dental cleanings keep teeth clean and healthy.

Stops tooth loss

One of the main causes of tooth loss among American adults is gum disease. Gum disease often starts with the build-up of plaque. Plaque is the whitish film that builds up over time on the teeth of a patient. As gum disease progresses, plaque is pushed further down, and it destroys the supporting bone in the jaw of the patient causing the teeth to loosen and eventually fall out. However, annual cleanings by a professional dental care provider and good oral hygiene can reduce and eventually stop plaque buildup.

Prevents cavities

According to the Mayo Clinic, plaque is the main cause of tooth decay. Plaque is acidic, and it corrodes the tooth enamel. When it is left unattended, it eventually leads to cavities. Plaque can be removed through regular brushing and flossing after meals, and annual dental cleanings.

Brightens the smile

Beverages such as coffee, tea and wine, some foods, and narcotics such as tobacco can stain teeth. A dental cleaning removes these stains and leaves the patient with polished teeth. The result is a whiter and brighter smile.

Freshens breath

Bad breath or halitosis is a common source of embarrassment among many Americans. Regular dental cleanings are a great way to keep the mouth both healthy and odor-free. During a dental cleaning, the dentist will identify common problems such as dry mouth, periodontal disease and other conditions that may be causing bad breath. In some cases, the dentist may refer the patient to a physician when they discover that the odor does not originate from the mouth.

Boosts overall health

Apart from providing patients with a whiter and brighter smile, professional teeth cleanings can benefit the overall health of a patient by reducing the likelihood of stroke or heart attack, preventing diabetes, decreasing the likelihood of dementia and preventing low birth weight or premature birth for pregnant patients.

Helps save money on restorative dental procedures

The main reason why most people skip dental visits and cleanings is to save money. The cost of regular dental cleanings is less than the cost of most restorative procedures like the treatment of periodontal disease or filling cavities. A bit of preventive dental care can help patients avoid unpleasant and costly problems in the long run.